Birds Sing in the Mornings
Rumah Sejuta Martabak
👩: Name one thing more valuable
than money.
👱: Time.
👩: If your EX texts you, “I love
you. I want you back.” How will you reply?
👱: “This is his wife.”
👩: Mention one thing that
destroys a relationship.
👱: Lies. Lie to people who love
you and play with their feelings. Those bad things break the hearts of good
people, forever.
👩: You and your EX alone in a
room for hours. What will happen?
👱: World War III.
👩: Drop the most painful words
that someone has told you.
“I love you. I really do, but I have to marry him.”
If you see your EX falling down, what will you do?
Record her.
In one word, describe how you feel right now. No explanation, just one word.
Three words better than “I love you”?
“I trust you.”
Because it’s hard to do. You can love someone but not trust them.
Tell me the most valuable lesson that you have learned.
Well. A hungry stomach, an empty pocket, and a broken heart. Those will teach
you the most valuable lessons in life.
👩: Oh. By the way, do you know why
birds sing in the mornings?
👱: Because they love it.
👩: Wrong.
👱: So?
👩: Because they don’t have to go to
fucking work.
👱: OK.