Sleeping with Ghosts

Pixabay on Pexels.
I am Jack without Rose.

I am Rangga without Cinta.

I am Romeo without Juliet.

I am Galih without Ratna.

I am Sam without Molly.

I am Zainuddin without Hayati.

I am Noah without Allie.

I am Shrek without Fiona.

I am Carter without Jamie.

I am John without Savannah.

And I am Carl without Ellie.

Honestly, I am nothing without you. I am like sleeping with ghost.

Judul               : Sleeping with Ghosts
Penyanyi        : Placebo
Album             : Sleeping with Ghosts
Tahun             : 2003

Copyright © N Firmansyah
Founder of Artifisial Indonesia.